
Northern Prosthetics & Orthotics specializes in all types of bracing, including Foot Orthotics, Ankle Foot Orthotics, Knee Ankle Foot Orthotics, Hip Orthotics, Lumbosacral Orthotics, Thoracic Lumbosacral Orthotics, Cervical Thoracic Lumbosacral Orthotics, Cervical Orthotics as well as all types of sports bracing and bracing for shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. We strive to utilize the latest technology and designs in devices for the best fit and optimal results for our patients.

Foot Orthotics (F.O.s)

Foot Orthotics can be fabricated to address multiple issues. The purpose of the device can range from providing biomechanical control to establish better foot and leg function (functional orthotics), to addressing orthopedic issues. Some of the indications for using these devices would include abnormal pronation or supination, metatarsalgia, heel spurs, neuroma, degenerative joint disease, posterior tibial tendonitis, knee pain, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, plantar lesion, Charcot foot, bunion, plantar fasciitis, fat pad atrophy, and foot neuropathy. Various materials and features are integrated into our foot orthotics to provide the patient with optimal comfort and support and functionality.

Foot Orthotic

Ankle Foot Orthosis (A.F.O.s)


These “short leg” braces are meant to support and/or correct problems with the foot and ankle. They can indirectly help stabilize the knee. In general a person would need one of these if they’re unable to point their foot up or down at the ankle, have weak ankle musculature, or has a deformity (flexible or fixed) of both the ankle and foot. The ankle may or may not have joints depending on the need of the person. They can either be plastic or carbon fiber and fit inside the existing shoe or the traditional metal and leather that is attached to the shoe. Unlike an ankle brace, the length is from just below the knee, past the ankle, and ends just before the ball of the foot or goes to the end of the toes.

Ankle Foot Orthotics

Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (K.A.F.O.s)

These “long leg” braces are meant to support and/or correct problems with the knee, ankle, and foot. They can indirectly help stabilize the hip. In general a person would need one of these if they have weakness or deformity (flexible or fixed) of the hip, knee, and ankle. The knee and ankle are jointed and allow just the amount of motion that is needed by the person. They can either be plastic or carbon fiber and fit inside the existing shoe or the traditional metal and leather that is attached to the shoe. Unlike an AFO, the length is from just below the perineum and hip, past the knee and ankle, and ends just before the ball of the foot or goes to the end of the toes.

Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (K.A.F.O.s)

Thoraco-lumbo-sacral Orthosis (T.L.S.O.)


These are torso braces that are meant to support, correct, or block motion in any one or combination of the different planes of motion. These planes of motion are forward and backward bending, side bending, and twisting. They may be plastic, heavy cloth (as in a corset) or a metal frame with padding and go from just above the breast to just above the pubic area. (L.S.O.s run just below the breast to just above the pubic area.) The TLSO may be prescribed for spinal fractures and fusions, herniated or degenerated discs, chronic back pain, osteoporosis, post surgical stabilization/protection, scoliosis, or trunk weakness. They may also be attached to a thigh section with a hip joint immobilization of the lumbosacral joint or for pre and post hip surgery.

Thoraco-lumbo-sacral Orthosis (T.L.S.O.)